NPSx and BBBS Australia: Celebrating Young CX Achievers and Empowering Future Leaders

 At NPSx, we're passionate about making a meaningful impact in the community, especially when it involves nurturing the next generation of leaders.

Our partnership over the last year with Big Brothers Big Sisters Australia (BBBS Australia) through their Young Achievers Program (YAP) exemplifies this commitment. This month, we celebrated a significant achievement in this collaborative journey – the successful completion of the CX Practitioner Certification by dedicated young achievers Andy and Kushi.

The Young Achievers Program (YAP):

An initiative by BBBS Australia, the Young Achievers Program (YAP) is designed to support young talents who show promise despite facing challenges. This program pairs these individuals with mentors and offers them unique challenges and leadership opportunities, helping them unlock their potential.

BBSAU Image - YAP 2023

Celebrating Andy and Kushi's Achievement:

Andy and Kushi's completion of the CX Practitioner Certification is a testament to their hard work and dedication. Their insights into the program are both inspiring and reflective of the impact of such initiatives.


"To me, the NPSx program was an enjoyable and insightful experience. Through completing my certification, I learned – not only how to manage customer experiences – but also ways to meaningfully interact and improve the experience of others around me. Additionally, the program was crucial in helping me develop skills in managing and leading people that I have come to find particularly helpful as a student leader. Though arduous and often stressful, I find the program has helped me improve and reflect on the ways that I interact and influence others around me."


"Having the opportunity to complete Bain's CX Practitioner certification, has given me a further and in-depth understanding of the CX disciplines, which was only heightened by my access to the NPSx Community Hub."



All of us at NPSx would also like to celebrate Mark Watt, CEO of BBBS Australia, and Kirstin Simons, Mentor & NPSx's Senior Director of Communications & Customer Success for their commitment to the program. Both leaders have been instrumental in overseeing and guiding this program over the last year.

The NPSx Commitment to Community:

Our involvement in community efforts like YAP is rooted in the belief that supporting young minds is not only beneficial for them but also for the broader society. It's about creating a sustainable future where skilled and empathetic leaders drive positive change in industries like CX. We are proud to contribute to such endeavors and remain dedicated to fostering an environment where young talent can thrive and lead.

Celebrating the success of these future leaders is more than just acknowledging their achievements; it's about recognizing the potential in every young individual and the power of mentorship and support.  Making the commitment to complete the CX Certification is a feat for any professional, but it also provides an important opportunity for young leaders to experience the benefits of mentorship, education, and deep expertise. We at NPSx, along with our partners at BBBS Australia, are excited to continue this journey of empowerment and leadership development.

Join us in applauding Andy and Kushi for their remarkable achievements and for setting a great example for future leaders in the CX domain.

To learn more about the BBBSAU Young Achievers Program, download the brochure today.

About the Author

Evan Brennan-Johnson

Communications Manager, NPSx | Evan manages external communications and engagement, helping business leaders develop their capabilities and drive customer experience in the third wave of CX. He loves roller coasters, yoga, and traveling the globe.